I am a freelance graphic designer located in Utah. I have many years of experience with all kinds of media. I am fast, creative, thorough and accurate. Whatever your design needs may be. I can help you! 
I work from my home office, where I have no distractions. I have a Master’s Degree in Education, which means that I also have strong editorial skills. I can think. I can read. I can proof and edit, and I can write! 
Take a look at my work and see how I can help YOU.
What they're saying

"Her design skills, efficiency, and organizational abilities served her well and she was always able to deliver quality work, even when deadlines were short."
–Don Lehnhof, Director of Corporate Communications
"With her knowledge of the industry, she is great to brainstorm with and is equally good at solving design and print problems."
–Kathy Williams, Event Manager
“You are easily the most commendable graphic designer we have seen. If you would like for me to give any lasting feedback or recommendations, please feel free to let me know.”
––Brian Oh, Korean American Family Service Center, Flushing, NY
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